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Public law

We offer Legal Aid for Public Law Matters

Contact us if social services are involved with your family.

public law happy family

We do offer legal aid, also known as Public Funding, for Public Law Childcare Matters only. 

This is where a Local Authority/Social Services have concerns over you looking after your children and are intending to, or have taken, action against your family. Such legal aid is offered on a non means assessment and as such you will not have to pay for your legal aid for these matters.

If you are provided with a letter from social services which states “Pre-Action Letter” or “Do not ignore this letter” then we can offer you Legal Help to assist you.

If you are notified that social services are going to apply to the court for an order against your children, normally known as either an Interim Care Order or an Interim Supervision Order, then please contact us urgently. As long as you are a biological parent, you will qualify for legal aid and will not have to pay for your legal representation.