Wills and probate
This area deals with legal issues relating to private and commercial property and all matters associated with succession, ensuring that your interests are properly managed both during your lifetime and after your death.
We have a dedicated team that can help you.

Most of us are keen to manage our affairs to make the most of our assets during our life and after we die. This means that we need to plan for the future at all stages of our lives and make provisions not just for what will happen when we die, but also how we can protect ourselves if we become unable to attend to our own affairs.
Many of our clients contact us to plan for their old age or to assist with the needs of elderly relatives. We have a dedicated team that can help you with:
- Wills – Writing your will and advising you on Planning your Estate to meet your individual circumstances;
- Trusts – general advice on how to set one up and how one might benefit your family;
- Living Wills – setting out your wishes about medical intervention or treatment at the end of your life;
- Probate – administering someone else’s estate after their death;
- Power of attorney – sorting out the management of other peoples’ affairs when they have become unable to manage them themselves and planning for this eventuality;
- Deputyship orders – what you have to seek if no Power of Attorney is in place and you want to sort out the management of someone’s affairs.
- Care Home Funding advice – advice on some of the pitfalls in relation to this and how we might be able to help you avoid them.
Download our information sheet on advice for the older client.
Special offers
Education for Life – help a child in your will. Wilkins Solicitors LLP sponsor a Kenyan child at the Tumaini Timbwani School near Mombasa through Education for Life, and offer a discount against the cost of preparing a will to anyone wanting to leave a donation to this charity. For more information as to how we can help you, call us today on 01296 424681 or send us an email.
Powers of Attorney – save on the cost of a Will. Make a Power of Attorney with us and we will reduce the cost of our Standard Will by 10%. Speak to the member of staff dealing with your case about this. For further information please call us now on 01296 424681 or complete our enquiry form.
Wills – discount for Wilkins’ clients. For existing clients of Wilkins Solicitors LLP we are currently offering a 10% discount on preparing and writing a will. To take advantage of this offer simply mention this at the point of booking your appointment. For further information please call us now on 01296 424681 or complete our enquiry form.